My research interest lies within the mixed domains of artificial intelligence, machine learning and deep learning. I am deeply interested in exploring how transfer learning can be used in different real-world applications. Moreover, I want to improve the performance and efficiency of these machine learning/deep learning techniques on tasks related to multiple domains.
Libraries: PyTorch, NumPy, Pandas, Fast.AI, AllenNLP
Utilities: Google Colab, Jupyter Notebook, Anaconda, Google Cloud
Softwares and Tools: Matlab, Android Studio, CISCO Packet Tracer, CNET
Create game levels from images using PCG and ML techniques
Rule Mining from Knowledge Graphs using Evolutionary Algorithm
A better emergency logistics service for ambulances and hospitals
Breast Cancer Classification from Histopathological Images using Fast.AI
Evaluation of different ML techniques on Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) Dataset
Platform to organize competitive programming contests
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
University of Alberta
Computer Networks (CMPUT 313)
Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
University of Alberta
Computer Organisation and Architecture (CMPUT 229)
Research Intern
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
Worked on Time Memory Data Trade-off Attack on Data Encryption Standard (DES) under Dr. Subhamoy Maitra, Applied Statistical Unit, ISI, Kolkata
ACM Summer School
Indian Statistical Institute (ISI), Kolkata
Attended ACM Summer School on Cryptology Research and Cryptanalysis under Dr. Subhamoy Maitra at ISI, Kolkata